The Differences between North and South

Check Your Understanding

Economic Differences


Answer the questions below to check your understanding about the economic differences between North and South. If you are having any difficulties, you can use the links on the left to go back and review the material.

1. Read the following descriptions and choose the four statements that are correct.

North had a lot of manufacturing.
North was mostly agricultural.
North supported tariffs.
North opposed tariffs.
South opposed tariffs.
South supported tariffs.
South was mostly agricultural.
South had a lot of manufacturing.

2. What is a tariff?

agricultural products.
A tax on manufactured goods.
foreign goods.


3. Read the writing prompt below. When you are ready, log in to your Edmodo account and post your reply on our class page. You will also need to reply to another's post.

Be sure to read all of the directions so you can get full credit!

A disagreement over the tariff was one issue that divided the nation prior to the Civil War.  Think about the opinions of the North and South regarding the tariff.  Why did they have those opinions?
Step One- Pick one of the two questions below. Post your answer on our class page. 

1. Did Northerners support or oppose the tariff?  Why?
2. Did Southerners support or oppose the tariff? Why?

Step Two- Read through the responses of others and find someone who chose the same side that you chose.  Reply to their comment but this time, you need to explain what the other region thought about the tariff and why.

Example- If you chose the South to answer part one, find someone who also chose the South.  Reply to their comment but this time you have to explain what the North thought and why.

Rubric- Total 10 points

1. Correctly completes step One and Two. (2 pts.)
2. Correctly states if the North supported or opposed the tariff.  (2 pts.)
3. Correctly explains why the North held those beliefs. (2 pts.)
4. Correctly states if the South supported or opposed the tariff.  (2 pts.)
5. Correctly explains why the South held those beliefs. (2 pts.)

If you cannot log in, click here to access a Microsoft Word version of the writing assignment. Since you cannot log in, this writing assignment will be slightly different.

What's Next?

When you are ready, click the following link to go to Edmodo. Edmodo will open in a new window. Post your answer and reply to another student's post. Once you have done that, close the Edmodo window to return to this page.

Now it is time to go to the Main Menu and investigate the next difference. If you are going in the proper order, Constitutional Differences will be next (and last!).