The Differences between North and South





antislavery slaves_in_cotton 11

The North opposed slavery.

Slavery was not allowed in the North.

The abolitionist movement was growing in the North.

The South supported slavery.

Southern plantations relied on slave labor.


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Cultural Differences



The North was urban.

Most major cities were found in the North.


The South was rural.

The South was mostly small farms and large plantations.



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Economic Differences


The industrial North supported tariffs. The North had most of the factories. Tariffs protect factories so the North supported tariffs.

The agricultural South opposed tariffs. The South was mostly agricultural. A tariff is a tax to make imports more expensive. Southerners opposed tariffs because they made goods more expensive.

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Constitutional Differences



The North favored a strong Federal government.

The North believed that the power of the Federal government was supreme.

Northern free states outnumbered Southern slave states.


The South favored States’ Rights.

States’ Rights- The right of states to limit the power of the Federal government.

Southern leaders were fearful that they no longer had a voice in the Federal government.

Southern leaders used the argument of States’ Rights as a way of defending their right to own property, including human slaves.

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