The Differences between North and South

Check Your Understanding

Opinions on Slavery


Answer the questions below to check your understanding about the differences in opinion towards slavery. If you are having any difficulties, you can use the links on the left to go back and review the material.

1. Select the statement that is TRUE.

Most Americans supported slavery in 1860.
Most Northerners opposed slavery while most Southerners supported slavery.
Slavery was popular in the West but Easterners opposed slavery.
Most Southerners opposed slavery while most Northerners supported slavery.

2. Which region of the United States abolished slavery first?

Anti-Slavery Meeting in Boston, 1850 6

3. The above picture shows a meeting of Abolitionists.  In which region would this meeting most likely take place?


Slave Auction, 1860 7

4. The picture shown above depicts a slave auction in 1860.  In which region of the country would this have been legal?

What's Next?

If you answered all of the questions correctly, go to the Main Menu and investigate the next difference. It is recommended that you choose Cultural Differences next.